Doctors of the Church

Saint Albertus Magnus – Universal Doctor
Saint Alphonsus Liguori – Mose Zealous Doctor
Saint Ambrose – One of the Four Great Latin Fathers
Saint Anselm – Magnificent Doctor
Saint Anthony of Padua – Evangelical Doctor
Saint Athanasius – One of the Four Great Greek Fathers
Saint Augustine – One of the Four Great Latin Fathers
Saint Basil the Great – One of the Four Great Greek Fathers
Saint Bede the Venerable
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux – Mellifluous Doctor
Saint Bonaventure – Seraphic Doctor
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Cyril of Alexandria – Doctor of the Incarnation
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
Saint Ephrem
Saint Francis de Sales – Doctor of Charity
Saint Gregory of Narek
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus – One of the Four Great Greek Fathers
Saint Gregory the Great – One of the Four Great Latin Fathers
Saint Hilary of Poitiers – Doctor of the Divinity of Christ
Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Saint Isidore of Seville
Saint Jerome – One of the Four Great Latin Fathers
Saint John Chrysostom – One of the Four Great Greek Fathers
Saint John Damascene
Saint John of the Cross – Mystical Doctor
Saint John of Avila
Saint Lawrence of Brindisi – Apostolic Doctor
Saint Leo the Great – Doctor of the Church’s Unity
Saint Peter Canisius
Saint Peter Chursologus
Saint Peter Damian
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Saint Teresa of Avila – Doctor of Prayer
Saint Thomas Aquinas – Angelic Doctor and Common Doctor
Saint Therese of Lisieux