Saint Eucherius of Orleans

Saint Eucherius of Orléans was born in 687 in Orléans, France. He spent time studying and reading the life of Saint Paul.  He was led to seek to live as a monk. In 714.  He lived as a monk in the Diocese of Rouen.  After seven years his uncle, Suavaric, Bishop of Orléans, died. Charles Martel, the mayor of the palace, practically governed the Frankish Kingdom. Eucherius’ had a great reputation for virtue.  A message was sent to Charles to beg that Eucherius would be elected to the vacant see. Though Charles disliked it, he consented.  Eucherius became bishop in 721.

Eucherius had opposed Charles Martel and his confiscation of church property to fund his war efforts against the Moor’s invasions. Eucherius found himself out of favor with the political leaders.  When Charles Martel returned from his victory at the Battle of Tours, he stopped in Orléans and exiled Eucherius to Cologne. Eucherius returned to his abbey, where he lived the rest of his life in prayer and contemplation until his death on February 20, 743.